Our Charism
The Order of the Precious Blood is a dispersed community of Christians dedicated to intercessory and contemplative prayer. It consists of a lay confraternity and a religious order for both men and women. A special emphasis on the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ forms the basis of our spiritual life and devotional piety.
Members of the Order dedicate themselves to a daily prayer regimen of both reparative and contemplative practices. We seek to offer reparation to God for the sins of the world while simultaneously unifying ourselves to God completely.
Although Catholics, Anglicans, and Orthodox members will find themselves most at home, all sincere Christians are welcome to apply; the OPB is both traditional and ecumenical.
Our Inspiration
Founded in the United States in 2023, the OPB is inspired by the Roman Catholic Sister Adorers of the Precious Blood, a religious order of women created by the Venerable Mother Catherine Aurelia of Canada. The OPB follows her Rule of Life, titled, The Sitio, which means 'I Thirst' in Latin. We seek to bring the majesty of the consecrated life to all people, be they married or celibate, cloistered or secularly employed.
Mother Catherine Aurelia was a devout Roman Catholic who was raised to the status of 'Venerable' by the Holy See. OPB members of all denominations seek to emulate her great sanctity and piety towards the Precious Blood.
Our Devotion
The OPB is dedicated to the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, which is both a literal, symbolic and a spiritual aspect of His Infinite Mercy, poured out for mankind. Through daily prayers, meditation, and fellowship, OPB members honor and revere Christ through his Most Precious Blood.
The OPB supports the Real Presence of Christ in the sacramental forms of bread and wine. OPB members are encouraged to receive communion in their local churches as frequently as possible, and to recieve communion under both kinds.
Our Method
The OPB holds that the highest forms of Christian life are found in contemplation and intercessory prayer. The best Christians are those who dedicate their lives to praying for the conversion of sinners and who conform their wills completely to the Will of God at all times. By seeking Union with God in this life, Christians are better able to pray for others, and their prayers are more potent. Union with God consists of letting go completely of one's own self-will and resigning entirely to the Divine Will. One no longer posesses a separate sense of self apart from God.
The OPB beleives that reparation is any thought, word, or deed offered to the Father in a sacrificial manner with the intention of appeasing his Wrath for the various sins of the world. Though Christ has paid off all of our sins and has averted damnation for our sake, our intercessory prayers as Christians help cover over the sins committed by others, and have the ability to satisfy God's justice, for all sins demand some form of appropriate payment. Through reparative prayer, members of the OPB commit to bettering the world and ushering in the Kingdom of God.
True peace, harmony, and concord are not achieved through argument, warfare, or outward displays of social justice, but rather, through the inner spiritual war, which bears the fruit of intercessory prayer for others. OPB members create a more just, peaceful, and holy world through the power of their special prayer.