Order of the Precious Blood

The Reparationists


Membership in the OPB begins with joining the confraternity. All confraternity members make non-binding commitments to increase their daily prayer life and to take up the devotions of the order. Those seeking to enter postulancy in the religious life must still begin with the confraternity. 


Commitments for Catholics of Any Denomination

-Daily Recitation of the Dominican Rosary 

-Daily Recitation of the Chaplet of Reparation 

-Optional Daily Recitation of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy 

-Daily Act of Reparation 

-Daily Meditation of Choice for 15 Minutes Minimum


Commitments for Protestants of Any Denomination

-Daily Recitation of the Jesus Prayer (Lutheran/Anglican Rosary)

-Daily Meditation of Choice for 15 Minutes Minimum 

-Daily Act of Reparation 

The OPB is open to sincere members of any Christian denomination provided they agree to our devotions and charism. 



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