Order of the Precious Blood

The Reparationists


Membership in the OPB begins with joining the confraternity. All confraternity members make non-binding commitments to increase their daily prayer life and to take up the devotions of the order. Those seeking to enter postulancy in the religious life must still begin with the confraternity. 


Daily Commitments for Confraternity Members 

- Pray the 'Jesus Prayer' 

(At least 100 recitations on a prayer rope/beads, or one full 'Anglican Rosary'

-Recite the Holy Name of Jesus (x 100) 

(in any language)

-Recite the Byzantine Rosary or Dominican Rosary 

(Byzantine is ideal for protestants)

-Recite the Chaplet of Reparation

-Make an Act of Reparation 

-Meditate quietly for 15 minutes. 

(on the breath or Jesus Prayer

-Minimum of three prostrations to Jesus 



-Pray the Daily Office

-Follow the five daily sets of prostrations


Ranks of the Order 


1) Confraternity Member 

Confraternity members maintain daily prayer regimen, attend meetings when able, and recieve spiritual direction. 

2) Guild of the Holy Decalogue 

Confraternity members petition for acceptance into the Guild, take the twelve commandments of the Old and New Testaments (the ten commandments + the two Great commandments) as daily vows, and recieve a Hebrew/Biblical spiritual name. 

3) Consecrated Religious 

Confraternity members of any state in life may choose to petition to discern the taking of four religious vows. These may be temporary or for life. Consecrated religious do not take vows of celibacy, may be married, and may live normal lives and have regular occupations. 

4) Guild of the Upper Room 

By invitation only. Members of this rank may be consecrated religious or lay members. These are seasoned practitioners who commit themselves to mystical contemplation of God and who have permission to teach in a limited capacity. These are considered senior members. 

5) Guild of the Holy Elders 

By invitation only. Members of this rank are selected from the previous rank. They are spiritual  teachers in their own right. They have traversed the path to mystical union with God and have much experience to offer. Though they are still imperfect, they are role models of the faith. 


Other Ranks and Groups


The Reparationist Fathers

A group of priests from the Anglican, Catholic, and Orthodox churches who commit to saying frequent masses for reparation and for the intentions of the Order. 


The Guild of Myrophores 

A rank of especially dedicated religious sisters who have proven exceptional in their service to the Order and are seniors in practice. 


The House of Piety 

The House of Piety is a ministry of the OPB dedicated to promulgating the rich protestant mystical heritage of the Lutherans, Methodists, Moravians, Quakers, Puritans, and PietistsMembers read the works of famous protestant writers and practice silent prayer, introspection, and pious devotions in small groups called 'bands'. 



The OPB is open to sincere members of any Christian denomination provided they agree to our devotions and charism. 



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