Order of the Precious Blood

The Reparationists



The OPB is a traditional, conservative, orthodox, and ecumenical organization. 


Because of the OPB's affiliation with historic Orthodox denominations, it is necessary to provide a disclaimer:


The OPB affirms that Christian marriage is only between a man and a woman. 

The OPB affirms that the offices of the diaconate ,priesthood, and the episcopacy are reserved to men. 

The OPB preserves the continuous Apostolic tradition of the Catholic (universal) churches of the last two millenia. 


Nevertheless, individuals who have struggled with same sex attraction but have demonstrated a sincere desire to join the Order (and are preferably celibate), may be granted a case-by-case dispensation, and are not barred from submitting an inquiry. 


Women who have been ordained in other denominations are permitted to apply for confraternity membership and religious life, provided they understand their clerical status is not accepted within the OPB. 


Women seeking ministry are empowered to become deaconesses. The female diaconate is a historic Orthodox practice of the Catholic Church. Read more here.